The ALEI/Federal Justice Project


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The project aims to propose an artificial intelligence platform for the Judiciary to apply in the Federal Justice of the Federal District and cumulates with activities of organization, training and governance in the format of an artificial intelligence center applied to the Judiciary


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Carry out the public interest in enabling, organizing and disseminating specific applications of artificial intelligence;

Access to justice: One of the biggest procedural obstacles is the enforcement of court warrants. The Mandamus guarantees a faster and safer process, increasing the effectiveness of the jurisdictional provision.

Protection of fundamental rights: More effective judicial processes extend constitutional guarantees regarding material and procedural fundamental rights.


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1- Extraction of legal documents from the TRF1-1A PJE system through API's (Application Programming Interface) for the identification of procedural phases, data comparison and decision making and automation of repetitive activities;

2. Study, survey and sampling of Object of Action (OA) of TRF1-1A processes to guide stages of construction of supervised and unsupervised AI models; saw. Automation of activities related to the preparation of draft votes: survey of jurisprudence, precedents of the STF and STJ and grouping of similar processes for the purpose of batch judgment;

3- Create the Nucleus of Artificial Intelligence for Justice in Brasília, that is, a virtual space with the potential to bring together researchers, entrepreneurs and law and justice operators to address the improvement of the effectiveness and organizational processes of the Brazilian Judiciary, in particular the Federal Court, through the use of artificial intelligence. The Nucleus aims to integrate the innovation chain of products and services in Artificial Intelligence applied to Justice, as well as to enhance the heating of the technological innovation ecosystem in the Federal District, acting on the basis of research, training and entrepreneurship.